Turning Pro (Book Review)2 min read

Turning Pro (Book Review)

In this book review, we look at Turning Pro by Steven Pressfield, which is a useful guide for anyone who wants to turn their creative passion into a professional career.

Also on YouTube: Turning Pro Book Review

If you would like to watch the Turning Pro book review in video format, have a look at this video I put out on YouTube. If not, you can keep reading below!

Pressfield begins by discussing the difference between amateurs and professionals. He argues that amateurs are those who dabble in their passions and never really commit to them. Professionals, on the other hand, are those who have made the decision to turn their passion into a career. They are the ones who show up every day and do the work, even when they don’t feel like it.

Pressfield goes on to say that many people never turn pro because they are afraid of what it might mean for their lives. They are afraid of making the commitment and then failing. They would rather stay safe in their comfort zone than risk everything for something they’re not even sure they can do.

However, Pressfield argues that it is only by turning pro that we can truly live life to its fullest potential. When we turn our back on our amateurish ways and embrace the professional mindset, we open ourselves up to a world of possibilities. We become more disciplined, more focused, and more driven. We also become more successful because we are no longer afraid to put in the hard work required to achieve our goals.

While the message of this book is to urge you to pursue your passion with commitment and determination, it should not be done heedlessly. If you have no viable way of supporting yourself (or your family, for that matter) while turning pro, you might fail in your ambitions before you start.

The allure of dropping all commitments and plunging headlong into making your dreams become a reality might be enticing, but it is all best done from a somewhat steady foundation where you can at least eat and sleep comfortably. (Just to give a disclaimer.)

Nonetheless, Turning Pro provides a helpful kick in the butt for those who have been wanting to take the next step for a while but haven’t felt quite ready – until now.

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