Thick Face, Black Heart (Book Summary)2 min read

Thick Face, Black Heart (Book Summary)

In her book Thick Face, Black Heart, Chin-Ning Chu lays out a blueprint for success that is based on ancient Chinese teachings. According to Chu, the key to success is to develop a thick face and a black heart. A thick face is one that is impervious to shame, while a black heart is one that is free of moral constraints. With these two traits, you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

Also on YouTube: Thick Face, Black Heart Book Summary

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In the first part of the book, Chu explores the concept of a thick face. She explains how shame is an artificial construct that society uses to control people. The only way to be successful is to learn to ignore the judgment of others and focus on your own goals. In the second part of the book, Chu discusses the importance of having a black heart. She explains how morality is a hindrance to success. To be successful, you need to be willing to do whatever it takes, even if it means breaking the law or harming others.

The third part of the book focuses on how to put these concepts into practice. Chu provides readers with concrete examples of how to develop a thick face and a black heart. She also includes exercises that readers can use to train themselves to think and act like successful people. Finally, Chu offers advice on how to deal with failure and setbacks. Overall, this book is an enlightening and motivating read for anyone who wants to achieve success in their life.


If you’re looking for an inspirational book that will teach you how to be successful, look no further than Chin-Ning Chu’s Thick Face Black, Heart. This book provides readers with a blueprint for success based on ancient Chinese teachings. With its practical advice and real-life examples, Thick Face, Black Heart is a must-read for anyone who wants to achieve their goals in life.

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