The Richest Man In Babylon (Summary)2 min read

The Richest Man In Babylon (Summary)

In this summary, we look at The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason, which was first published in 1926. The book is set in the ancient city of Babylon and tells the story of Arkad, the world’s wealthiest man. The book is full of financial advice and wisdom, and it has been passed down through generations of readers.

Chapter 1: The Man Who Was Poor But Then Became Rich

The book begins with the story of a man who was once poor but then became rich. This man, Arkad, was born into a family of nobility but lost all of his wealth when his family was forced to flee from their home. When Arkad was just a young man, he began working as a clay maker in Babylon. He quickly realized that he was good at making money and decided to become a moneylender. Through hard work and determination, Arkad was able to amass a fortune and become the richest man in Babylon.

Chapter 2: The Man Who Was Rich but Then Became Poor

The second chapter tells the story of a man who was once rich but then became poor. This man, Dabasir, was born into a wealthy family and had everything handed to him on a silver platter. He never had to work a day in his life and lived lavishly off of his family’s wealth. However, when Dabasir’s father died, he quickly ran through all of his inheritance and ended up becoming penniless. He was forced to take on menial jobs just to survive and eventually died alone and penniless.

Chapter 3: Seven Cures for a Lean Purse

In the third chapter, Arkad shares seven cures for a lean purse, which make up a strong financial foundation – also in modern times. These seven cures are:

  1. start thy purse to fattening
  2. control thy expenditures
  3. make thy gold multiply
  4. guard thy treasures from loss
  5. make of thy dwelling a profitable investment
  6. insure a future income
  7. increase thy ability to earn


The Richest Man in Babylon is an important book that has stood the test of time. It is full of financial wisdom and advice that can be applied to anyone’s life. If you are looking for a way to become wealthy, or if you are already wealthy and want to stay that way, this book is definitely for you.

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