Notre-Dame de Paris Book Review2 min read

Notre-Dame de Paris Book Review

In this book review, we take a look at Notre-Dame de Paris by Victor Hugo, also known as The Hunchback of Notre Dame. With his book, the author weaves a tale of love, loss, and redemption that has captivated readers for centuries. Set in medieval Paris, the story centers around the hunchbacked bell-ringer of Notre Dame Cathedral, Quasimodo, and the beautiful gypsy girl he falls in love with, Esmeralda. Though it was published in 1831, the themes of Notre-Dame de Paris are just as relevant today as they were almost 200 years ago.

A Classic Love Story with a Tragic Twist

On the surface, Notre-Dame de Paris is a classic love story. Quasimodo is smitten with Esmeralda from the moment he lays eyes on her and she is kind to him despite his deformities. However, their relationship is fraught with obstacles from the start. Quasimodo is hideously deformed and Esmeralda is constantly pursued by the lecherous archdeacon Claude Frollo, who wants nothing more than to possess her.

Though Quasimodo and Esmeralda come from very different backgrounds—he is a grotesque monster and she is a beautiful gypsy girl—they are united by their mutual outcast status. Quasimodo is an outcast because of his deformities and Esmeralda because of her gypsy heritage. This shared experience of rejection and isolation gives them a deep bond that eventually blossoms into love.

Unfortunately, their love is not meant to be. Frollo’s obsession with Esmeralda leads him to commit heinous crimes in order to have her for himself. In the end, Quasimodo makes the ultimate sacrifice to save Esmeralda’s life but she dies thinking that he betrayed her. Though their love story ends in tragedy, it is ultimately a tale of redemption as Quasimodo finds peace and acceptance after a lifetime of rejection.

A Powerful Tale of Love and Redemption

Notre-Dame de Paris is a powerful tale of love, loss, and redemption that has captivated readers for centuries. Victor Hugo’s masterful storytelling brings medieval Paris to life and his characters are so richly drawn that they feel like real people. If you’re looking for a book that will make you laugh, cry, and think long after you’ve finished reading it, then this is the book for you.

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