Man’s Search For Meaning (Review)2 min read

Man's Search For Meaning (Review)

In this book review, we will look at “Man’s Search for Meaning” by Viktor Frankl. This is one of those rare books that has the power to change the way you look at life. In it, Frankl draws on his own experiences as a Holocaust survivor to show how even in the darkest of circumstances, it is possible to find meaning and hope. This book is not only incredibly moving, but also provides a unique perspective on what it means to be human.

Also on YouTube: Man’s Search for Meaning Review

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Frankl begins by recounting his experiences in Auschwitz, where he was sent after being arrested by the Nazis. He describes how, despite the horror and cruelty he witnessed on a daily basis, he was able to maintain his sense of hope and purpose. He did this by focusing on his memories of happier times, and by thinking about the future he wanted to build for himself once he was free.

But Frankl didn’t just survive Auschwitz; he went on to become a world-renowned psychiatrist and author. In “Man’s Search for Meaning”, he uses his own story as a starting point for a broader discussion of what it means to lead a meaningful life. He argues that although we cannot control what happens to us, we can always choose how we respond to it. And it is through our response that we give our lives meaning.

This is something that the stoic teacher Epictetus echoes in the book Discourses. In the book, containing lessons written down verbatim by his student Arrian, Epictetus claims that the cardinal rule of stoicism is that we can’t control what happens, but how we respond to what happens.

Frankl’s book is both an inspiring read and a fascinating look at the human psyche. If you’re looking for a book that will make you think about life in a whole new way, “Man’s Search for Meaning” is definitely worth picking up.

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