Daniel Pink: Drive (Summary)

Daniel Pink: Drive (Summary)

In Drive, Daniel H. Pink argues that the conventional wisdom about what motivates us is wrong. He contends that the three elements of true motivation—autonomy, mastery, and purpose—are more important…
Best Positive Psychology Books

Best Positive Psychology Books

If you're looking for a mental health boost, look no further than the 3 best positive psychology books out there. From learning how to reframe your thoughts to increasing your…
Credence (Book Review)

Credence (Book Review)

In this book review, we will look at Credence by Penelope Douglas, which is a heart-wrenching story of love, loss, and betrayal. Told from the alternating perspectives of Caleb and…
Tools of Titans Summary

Tools Of Titans Summary

In this summary, we look at Tools of Titans by Timothy Ferriss. In the book, Ferriss curates the tactics, routines, and habits of some of the world's most successful people.…
The ONE Thing Summary

The ONE Thing Summary

In this summary, we look at The ONE Thing by Gary Keller, a book about focus and productivity. In it, the author argues that the ability to focus on one…
The Slight Edge Summary

The Slight Edge Summary

In this summary, we look at The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson. In his book, Olson describes how small, consistent changes in our daily lives can lead to big results…